Thursday, April 3, 2008

the odd things we do

I've joined eHarmony, trying to get out in the dating world again.

It is an odd feeling, very like being exposed while uncertain if your appearance is tidy...

I want to ask if their lips are warm.... wanting to hear a heart beat if I snuggle with them. They don't get it & I don't know how to explain...

Just another day in being a widow of the web....


At April 3, 2008 at 3:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are discussion groups attached to eHarmony & I've joined in.... a topic last night caught my eye.. Fantasies good or bad? An overwhelming number of people stepped in & said bad, because the Bible sez... And that anything that was imagined would eventuall be was my reply

Wow, and here I thought that what my husband & I shared was healthy..... not by your standards..

We talked openly about our fantasies and tried to help each other fulfill them. When it came to the fact that I thought Pierce Brosnan & Patrick Swayze were sexy... well my sweetie made a point to buy movies starring these performers and then thoroughly enjoyed all the carbonated hormones after the movie was over. I bought him the Lara Croft movies for the same reason.

Will I ever be a sleek brunette... not in this lifetime. Do I begrudge his fantasy life, no, never. Now that he's dead I hold the fact of our intimate life dear, I know that I never let the opportunity go by to keep him happy. What a shame that you can't say the same.

-- It truly surprised me how vehement folks were... you should have seen what showed up on the article about the ettiquette of a one night stand!!!!

At August 25, 2008 at 7:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that fantasies are part of being able to hope. And with out hope there is very little to work towards or live for. All fantasies are not sexual, but can lead to things that are just as 'earth moving' and enjoyable. I have fantasies about my grand-daughters and last Sept was able to get to cruise with them. To heart a heart beat as you are wrapped up in loving arms is one of the greatest joys on this earth. But all change is wrapped in a package of risk in one form or another... and risk isn't always bad.


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