Thursday, April 3, 2008

Signing up to support a political candidate

I know, a horrifying concept for a Libertarian, but this time out of the box, I need to speak up. I can't stand the concept of another Mr Bush in the white house.

So I'm going for Hillary!! She has fought on the issues that are important to me for nearly 20 years... better healthcare, positive action plans on how to turn the economy around, bail out for Social Security and supporting our troops world wide.

All things I can believe in. If you bring up race, I'll raise you & throw in gender. If you bring up experience I'll point out that she sleeps with one of the best experience sources still vital & active politically. If you bring up age I'll point to Mr. McCain & shudder.

Then I'll point to actually voting & not just waffling by signing in as present.

She may not be the most incredible choice, but she sure is the most credible choice.

Whomever you decide to vote for, remember that as my daddy used to say, if you don't vote you have no right to comment i.e., bitch about our government. So stand up & be counted.


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